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The Methodist Evangelical Church

in the United States of America

Preserving one of the oldest continuous lines of Bible Christians in North America.

A national church body of clergy, laity, and congregations faithful to the mission, vision, and praxis of John and Charles Wesley,
George Whitefield, and the original Methodist societies. A fellowship enriched by both Arminian and Calvinistic streams, and,
most importantly, singularly devoted to Jesus Christ
as only Savior, Lord, and Coming King.
Ministerial credentialing, affiliation, and fellowship.
Recognizing all biblically-grounded streams of Christian tradition.
Respecting independence while ensuring proper accountablility.

Administrative Bishop

The Reverend Robert L. Schenck, D.Min.



The Reverend Dr. Thomas Benz



Chaplain Rob McQuay


Chair, Committee on Credentials

The Reverend Kenneth Johnson, D.D.



MECUSA Washington, DC

We welcome your inquiry!
For information, contact

Copywrite 2016 MECUSA

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