About Us

Wesley on "What is the Church?"
"The catholic or universal church is all the persons in the universe so called out of the world . . . as to be 'one body,' united by 'one spirit,' having 'one faith, one hope, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all.'"
Culture of Grace
The men and women of MECUSA are committed to a church culture that is faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Luke 4:17-21), generous in its disposition towards all of humanity that is loved by God (John 3:16), and gracious in its interpretation of all things pertaining to salvation, discipleship, evangelism, and the care of souls (2 Corinthians 13:14).

Focused on the Word of God
The people of MECUSA are dedicated to preaching, teaching, discipling, and, by the grace of God and with His help, living out the eternal Word of God as it is embodied and exhibited in the person of Jesus Christ and transmitted to us in the 66 books of the canon of Holy Scripture.
Continuing through church history, the Methodist Evangelical Church USA sees itself as a successor to a long legacy dating back to the Day of Pentecost at Jerusalem, through the global spread of the gospel by the apostles and subsequent missionaries, the establishment of indigenous churches on all continents; the great reforms brought on by the desert fathers, the continental reformers, the English dissenters, and the products of the great councils, the authoring and dissemination of the historic and universal creeds, and the various reformations and creation of Trinitarian and orthodox denominations; to the innovations of the Wesley brothers, to the present and idiosyncratic expressions of local, regional, national, ethnic, and movement based Christian assemblies, ministries, and ministers. We see ourselves as members of the geographically unbounded, expansively inclusive, generously loving church--the universal Body of Christ--the timeless and majestically diverse family of God!