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Ecclesiastical Services


Clerical Faculties:





Doctor of Divinity

Commissioning and Certification:

Institutional Chaplaincy, Community Minister,

Missionary, Evangelist, Church Planter


Denominational Affiliation:


Clergy Multi-Denominational Connection

Congregational Denominational Connection


The application process for clerical faculties, including transfer status and multi-denominational connection, as well as the process for congregational affiliation, are each undertaken in an intensely personal and case-by-case manner.


 An inquiry must first be made in writing and include a full educational curricula vitae, employment resume, congregational or other ministry history and profile, three clergy and/or denominational or local church leadership references. Only after the inquirer's initial portfolio is reviewed and references are consulted will the process continue to the personal interview stage. Approvals can take up to

one year to be finalized.


Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.

Administrative Bishop

The Reverend Robert L. Schenck, D.Min.



The Reverend Dr. Thomas Benz



Chaplain Rob McQuay


Chair, Committee on Credentials

The Reverend Kenneth Johnson, D.D.



MECUSA Washington, DC

We welcome your inquiry!
For information, contact

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